Exchange Log Files C Windows System32 Logfiles W3svc1

Troubleshooting Techniques & Tips for Exchange 2010/2007/2003 (HANDS ON) Presented March 13, 2012 at NYExUG Meeting Last Updated on March 15, 2012. Updated: September 1, 2012. Applies To: System Center Configuration Manager 2007, System Center.
Introduction. A few Windows resource kits contained the sometimes very useful tool: forfiles.exe. It can be used to process large numbers of files automatically or in. 17 Responses to “Folder InetPub LogFiles are filling up the c drive of your SBS 2008 or 2011 server”.
Troubleshooting Exchange Active. Sync and reading IIS logs « MSExchange. Guru. com. In this article I will try cover my way of troubleshooting Exchange Active.
Sync issues from Server side and client side. Recently I had an issue where users on one of the Exchange 2. ONLY” weren’t able to sync their mobile device. My way of troubleshooting flows this way which I will explain in detail: Isolate the issue be for user, device, server or organization wide. Testexchangeconnectivity.
Read IIS logs and look at the error’s if any. Confirm Authentication settings on IIS VDir’s for CAS and MBX roles.
Look at CPU utilization for w. CAS servers. Read event logs and filter MSExchange Active.
Sync event in 1. 0xx series. Confirm ADPermission for internet facing CAS servers on “ms- Exch- EPI- Token- Serialization”Isolate the issue be for user, device, server or organization wide.
This is the primary focus area or we will be going in circles. Let’s split this into 4 different scenario and the issue should be isolated to one of these: Issue with one single user only: First thing I would look for is to check the OMA AD property enabled or not. Navigate to Active Directory Users and Computers . If msexch. OMAAdmin.
Wireless. Enable is set to a number, it will cause EAS issues. Exch. Oma. Admin. Wireless. Enable = 1 = 0.
Option 1 and option 2 enabled. Exch. Oma. Admin. Wireless. Enable = 2 = 0. Option 2 and option 3 enabled (option 3 requires 2). Exch. Oma. Admin. Wireless. Enable = 3 = 0.
Option 2 enabled. Exch. Oma. Admin. Wireless. Enable = 4 = Option 1 and 3 enabled and Option 2 disabledms. Exch. Oma. Admin. Wireless. Enable = 5 = 1. Option 1 enabled and Option 2,3 disabledms. Exch. Oma. Admin.
Wireless. Enable = 7 = 1. All options disabled. Let’s confirm that it is indeed set that way. Navigate to the user location in ADSIEdit and open his properties: Have the user flip Wifi and 3.
G network to ensure the issue is not caused because of internet connection drop on the device or in other words, before proceeding have the user access a couple of websites on the mobile browser. Once we ensure all is well with the user, navigate to Ex. RCA. com and run a test for Active. Sync and give the user credentials and click Next. If this shows a pass, I would put the blame on the device and move forward. Note: Ex. RCA doesn’t work all the time, so have a test mobile device handy and the website is solely owned by Microsoft. Issue with a single device only: We get this a lot.
Hard part is to convince the user that its his device broke and not the server. To prove this, run Ex. RCA. com and explain to the user that performing a test on this website it like configuring a mobile device. Additionally, configure another mobile device with the user credentials and confirm that you can sync the device. Issue in a device only scenario is mostly caused because of an outdated firmware or some applications conflicting with the default EMAIL app. Have the user update the firmware on the device and if needed backup Contacts, Photos, Notes etc and reset the device to factory settings.
Issue with a single server: It is important for us to understand if the issue is happening for all users or if it is isolated for users on a single mailbox server or even a mailbox database. Test- Active. Sync.
Connectivity cmdlet can come handy here: This example tests the Exchange Active. Sync connectivity for the mailbox Paul. S on the Client Access server computer CAS0. Test- Active. Sync. Connectivity - Client. Access. Server contoso\CAS0.
URL “http: //contoso. Mailbox. Credential (get- credential Paul.
S)EXAMPLE 2: This example tests the Exchange Active. Sync connectivity for the mailbox Paul. S using the Autodiscover URL. Test- Active. Sync.
Connectivity - Use. Autodiscover. For. Client. Access. Server $true - URL “http: //contoso.
Mailbox. Credential (get- credential Paul. S@contoso. com)EXAMPLE 3: This example tests the Exchange Active. Sync connectivity for the mailbox Paul. S. Test- Active. Sync.
Connectivity - Allow. Unsecure. Access $true - URL “http: //contoso.
Mailbox. Credential (get- credential contoso\pauls)Well, the truth is as and when users raise issue’s you will be able to diagnose if the issue is server side or affecting all users in the organization. If you think the issue is happening for users on one specific database, look for event 9. Database props quota error with Air. Sync named property in the description can be the culprit. Read more about the same here: Event id: 9. When database reaches maximum limit of named properties or replica identifiers: http: //msexchangeguru. Issue where entire organization is down with no access to EAS: You would know if this happened.
Test. Exchange. Connectivity. Ex. RCA. com won’t work and no users will have access to their email. In this case, check if you can access OWA if EAS and OWA servers are the same. If OWA works and EAS do not, the issue is not caused because of the internet facing CAS servers but specific to EAS protocol. Ex. RCA. com/Testexchangeconnectivity.
A lot of people are not aware of Ex. RCA. com. This is a website from Microsoft where you can test external access for the following options: Your troubleshooting should start with Ex. RCA. com and put the username and password for a test user. Again, don’t rely completely on Ex. RCA. com and have a test mobile device handy during times of troubleshooting.
Post testing, it will return the HTTP status code for the test. Authentication pass. Bad/invalid request. Unauthorized/server refusing request.
File not found. 44. Retry. 50. 0 – Server error. Service unavailable. If you are presented with a 5. How do we find out HTTP status codes for each and every connection made to the internet facing CAS servers – IIS Logs is where we will start to achieve this.
For every connection made by individual user or devices, there will be a respective IIS log generated on the internet facing CAS server. But how do we read it? The default location of IIS log files: In W2. K3–> C: \WINDOWS\system. Log. Files. In W2. K8–> C: \inetpub\logs\Log. Files\W3. SVC1. Try to sync your mobile device and make a note of the time.
Let it error out. We need to perform the next step in all Internet facing CAS servers at the same time. Medal Of Honor Warfighter Patch Fix Download Speed on this page. Open the latest IIS log file in the directory – in Notepad and change to Format . Scroll to the extreme bottom. Do a Ctrl + F and type your username.
In this case, it is Ratish. Nair. Now I see the latest entry made by my mobile device: 2.
POST /Microsoft- Server- Active. Sync/default. eas User=ratishnair& Device. Id=Appl. 8xxxxx. 4S& Device.
Type=i. Phone& Cmd=Folder. Sync& Log=Prx. From: 1. 0. 1. 23.
If it’s in the 4xx series, it could be an authentication issue and I would start by comparing authentication settings on the CAS as well as Mailbox servers. Remember the chaos created by i.
OS4. 0? So no matter what if your organization contains devices running i. OS 4. 0, have them “mandatory” update their Operating system to the latest version. Official Microsoft and Apple documentation can be found here: Unable to connect using Exchange Active. Sync due to Exchange resource consumption: http: //support. OS 4. 0: Exchange Mail, Contacts, or Calendars may not sync after update: http: //support. TS3. 39. 8So while troubleshooting EAS issues, you need to know the Device. User. Agent for devices on i.
OS to know what version they are running. This is all I could collect. OS Ver. Device Type. Device. User. Agent.
Phone. Apple- i. Phone/7. Phone. Apple- i. Phone/7. Pad. Apple- i. Pad/7. Phone. Apple- i. Phone/7. Phone. Apple- i. Phone/7. Phone. Apple- i. Phone/7. Pod. Apple- i. Pod.
C1/8. 01. 2. 93. 4i. Pod. Apple- i. Pod. C1/8. 01. 2. 93. 4i. Phone 3. GApple- i. Phone. 1C2/8. 01. Phone 3. GSApple- i. Phone. 2C1/8. 01.
Phone 4. Apple- i. Phone. 3C1/8. 01. Pod. Apple- i. Pod. C1/8. 01. 3. 06. 4. Pod. Apple- i. Pod.
C1/8. 01. 3. 06. 4. Phone 3. GApple- i. Phone. 1C2/8. 01. Phone 3. GSApple- i. Phone. 2C1/8. 01. Phone 4. Apple- i. Phone. 3C1/8. 01.
Phone. Apple- i. Phone/5. Adobe Reader 64 Bit Fixes A Draft. Phone 3. GSApple- i. Phone. 2C1/9. 01.