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Duke Nukem - Wikipedia. Duke Nukem. Developers.
Apogee Software. 3D Realms. Tiger Electronics. Lion Entertainment. Lobotomy Software.
Aardvark Software. Eurocom. Tec Toy. Torus Games. Machine. Works Northwest. Triptych Games. Gearbox Software. Piranha Games. Interceptor Entertainment.
Publishers. Apogee Software. GT Interactive Software. Mac. Soft. Sega. Tec Toy. D Realms. Machine. Works Northwest. 2K Games.
Aspyr. Devolver Digital. Interceptor Entertainment. Platforms. MS- DOS, Microsoft Windows, Mac OS, Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advance, Sega Saturn, Nintendo 6.

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Playstation vita, Play. Station 4. Game. com, Play. Station, Sega Mega Drive, Xbox Live Arcade, i. OS, Play. Station 3, Android, Linux, Xbox 3. Nintendo DSPlatform of origin. MS- DOSFirst release. Duke Nukem. July 1, 1.
Latest release. Duke Nukem Forever. June 1. 4, 2. 01. Duke Nukem is a video game series named for its protagonist Duke Nukem. Created originally by the company Apogee Software Ltd. The first two games in the series were 2. D platformers and the rest have been 3. D first- person shooters.
During 2. 01. 0 the rights of the series were acquired by the company Gearbox Software. The original game had three episodes, the first distributed as shareware. The first Duke Nukem game was titled Duke Nukem, but Apogee learned that this name might have already been trademarked for the Duke Nukem character of the television series Captain Planet and the Planeteers, so they changed it to Duke Nukum for the 2. Only 1. 6 colors were actually used onscreen at once; however, three different 1. The third game of the series was the first- person shooter (FPS) titled Duke Nukem 3.
D and was released during 1. Make A Small Amount Of Crack. Like most FPS games of the day, Duke Nukem 3. D featured three- dimensional environments with two- dimensional sprites standing in for weapons, enemies, and breakable background objects. Duke Nukem 3. D was released for MS- DOS, Mac OS, Play. Station, Sega Saturn, game. Sega Genesis/Mega Drive, Nintendo 6.
Xbox Live Arcade, and for i. OS and Nokia N9. 00 during 2. Duke Nukem 3. D has more than a dozen expansion packs. Spin- offs. The project was directed by Keith Schuler, main designer and programmer for the games Paganitzu and Realms of Chaos, and a level designer for the Plutonium PAK. The 2. D 4. Ever was planned to combine many of the new concepts of Duke Nukem 3.
D with the old- style play of the first two games of the series. Duke's look, personality and armory from the recent shooter would be matched with run and gun platforming, with a few new objects, including a cloaking device and five- piece weapon named the . Players would face off against Dr. Proton's minions, the Protonite cyborgs, along with other level- specific grunt enemies. Each episode would end with a boss fight, with the last one fought against Proton himself.
Development on Duke Nukem 4. Ever stalled during the middle of 1. Keith Schuler was reassigned to work on maps for the Duke Nukem 3. D expansion pack. The game’s cancellation wasn't publicly announced until 1.
D Realms had decided to reuse the name for their sequel to Duke Nukem 3. D. After cancellation, the game became a new game named Ravager, and that project was then sold to developer named Inner Circle Creations, which renamed it and released the title as Alien Rampage during 1. Duke Nukem: Endangered Species was announced during January 2.
It was designed to be a hunting game where the player could hunt everything from dinosaurs to snakes. The game was cancelled during December of that year. It was renowned for having had one of the longest development cycles of any title of the Play. Station 2's considerable history.
Long- rumored to implement the same technology that powered the PC version of Unreal, the game sometimes erroneously referred to as Duke Nukem Forever PS2 (this console title was not to be a part of the PC game and, instead, was a new creation by developer n- Space), consistently struggled with delays, often putting in question its status as an active or cancelled game. The project was finally abandoned during 2.
Legal wrangling between developer 3. D Realms and publisher Take- Two Interactive over the non- delivery of Duke Nukem Forever after 3.
D Realms dismissed all development staff during 2. Duke game during October 2. D Realms accepted the deal in exchange for a $2. Duke Nukem Forever. Gearbox Software was later revealed to be the developer of the game.
Duke Begins was a cancelled game that was the subject of litigation, but few details exist as to what was intended. From the name of the game and the court filings, the title was possibly intended to be an origin story, illustrating how Duke became the person he is in chronologically later games. Development on the title began within two months of the October 2. D Realms alleged in court filings that the title was suspended during April 2. Whether Duke Begins was suspended after 3.
D Realms requested $US6 million from Take- Two to finish Duke Nukem Forever is yet to be confirmed. Gearbox Software shifted to working on Duke Nukem Forever after finalizing a deal with 3. D Realms to acquire the unfinished game and the rights to the Duke Nukem franchise.
When Duke Nukem Trilogy was announced during 2. Nintendo DS and Play.
Station Portable (PSP). Each game in the series was to have two versions that shared the same story – the Nintendo DS game was a side- scrolling affair, while the PSP version was to be a third- person shooter not unlike Duke Nukem: Time to Kill. The PSP version was said to be the more adult- oriented of the two games.
It is unknown precisely when the PSP versions of the Duke Nukem Trilogy games were cancelled, however the drawn- out development of the title, low quality of the game and the poor sales of PSP software since 2. Only the DS version of the first game Critical Mass was released.
An HD remake of Duke Nukem II was in the planning stages at one time. A remake of Duke Nukem 3. D called Duke Nukem 3. D: Reloaded, was in development by Interceptor Entertainment, however Gearbox Software would only grant Interceptor a private licence; unable to obtain a commercial licence Interceptor abandoned the project. Interceptor was working on a top- down action role- playing game called Duke Nukem: Mass Destruction for the Play. Station 4 and PC, however due to a lawsuit by Gearbox, the main character was changed and the game was renamed Bombshell. Duke Nukem Forever.
Promotional information for the game was released during 1. As a result, the title was subject to intense speculation and won several vaporware awards. The development team was terminated during May 2. D Realms, the project was not officially cancelled and the game was still in development. Although Take- Two Interactive owned the publishing rights to the game, they did not have an agreement with 3.
D Realms to provide funding for its continuation. The lawsuit reached a settlement during May 2. A playable demo was shown at Penny Arcade Expo (PAX), where the release timeframe was announced as 3 May 2. U. S. A., and 6 May internationally on Xbox 3. Play. Station 3, and PC. An OS X version was released in August 2.
Duke Begins. The series, which began during 1. Duke Nukem PC game developed by Apogee Software, would be restarted with the long- discussed Duke Begins on an unspecified date. Other media. Kasanoff's Duke Nukem movie never advanced past the pre- production phase for numerous reasons, primarily funding problems.
Plans were announced during 2. Duke Nukem movie to be produced by Kasanoff's company Threshold Entertainment. Faye, who runs production company Depth Entertainment, said he hoped to compliment these with . Certainly, there's a large audience that knows and loves this character. We're expanding Duke's 'storyverse' in a very significant major way without abandoning or negating any element that's being used to introduce Duke to the next- gen platforms.
The story features Duke Nukem traveling back in time to the Second World War, to help the Allies defeat the Nazis and aliens.
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